One century ago Paul Poiret ( 1879 – 1944 ) revolutionized   the concept of “fashion”  . His style and taste reflect the legendary period of Belle Époque and his innovations continue to influence fashion and fashion designers today.

Everything that now seems a natural part of the fashion world was anticipated by  Poiret . In just over ten years, between 1903 and the First World War, the Parisian tailor had a series of innovative ideas which were to change the fashion world for good.

Poiret was the first to broaden the concept of fashion itself, ushering in the total lifestyle.  Around his clothes he created perfumes, shows and accessories, even home furnishings.

He was the first to make Fashion an event of international importance which fed itself through advertising, the figurative arts, theatrical performances and fashion shows.

He anticipated the present day by devising marketing strategies inconceivable at the time. He was the first to publish his own sketches for publicity purposes. He was the first to organize travelling fashion shows in Europe and the United States to promote his work. It was Poiret who made the mannequin the protagonist of these theatrical shows.

After the First World War, everything changed: a new idea of women made the models by Poiret look old  and outmoded. In a few years the King of Fashion closed all its activities. His style and his name gradually fell into oblivion.

Paul Poiret. The King of Fashion relates all of this, reliving the most important moments in his career as couturier and entrepreneur.  

director: Adolfo Conti

location: Paris

year: 2013

lenght: 26′



a Doc Art – Amalia Carandini production
in collaboration with NDR-Arte
written by Adolfo Conti


Véronique Belloir
Pamela Golbin
Didier Grumbach
Catherine Parpoil
George Stamm

cinematography: Laurent Didier
editing: Eugenio Persico
music: Fabrizio Romano
Archive producer: Ilaria Sbarigia